33rd Day
Journey kl. 10:07 to 19:06, 8 hr 59 min
Min. 1019 m - max. Less than 2 233 m
1379 m, 1491 m
to cycling 12 km and a total of 2 383 km and 16 km walk at least 8 hours of pure driving
1 hr 04 min
Avg. 10.5 km / h
View 33rd Chamonix - Les Praz in a Larger Map
View 33a. BALCONS Grand Nord - walking in a Larger Map
This morning I still did not know what route to choose whether Bossonsi Glacier, Grand BALCONS Nord, and then perhaps also the Lac Blanc. But first, I was looking for Chamonix's Internet connection, which I found in front of tourist information. I got my money make head or tail of things and managed to purchase a plane ticket. Departure the 8-th. So widespread is the time. Here's my Asuse EEE decided that the keyboard for some stars, I have no longer needed. There tõbrik! Finally, I got to move around the clock 10. I thought that I first Grand Nord BALCONS tour, and then look at what's next. There was a plan to fly a rope upward Plan de l'Aiguille I.'' But when he saw a crowd crush at the station, I would have probably waited until evening to your queue. I placed my suksu Volume wheel locks, that is attached to the station at the garden. A backpack on his back and on track!
initiative, the steepest climb on the forest, then flattening Les Grands Bois along the path and then up again sharply. Here, between the pride opened up views of the Glacier Bossonsi
and Blanc itself.
ended and the Mets still had to climb up the cableway from the Chalet du l'Aiguille'ni Plan. It took me 3 hours to get there. Good fun was to climb, but I met a few people in this way. The above was already more people. Headed for Grand Nord BALCONS lane. Make it went almost horizontally and the entire mountain stuff was a nice sight: Mont Blanc,
Aiguille du Midi
and other valley, the opposite hillside
and glaciers.
After some time, however, had yet to climb higher. Signal Hill Forbes got a view of the Glacier Mer de Glace'i
and to the other side of the Aiguille Glacier Verte'ile
and other mountains.
I sat here for over an hour and admired Glacier.
I walked down to where the glacier at the edge of the cafe and hotel. In addition, the course of one log house in a small exhibition of alpine fauna. Below is jääkoobas yet, but I did not go in there, because I have a saving mode. Here you could run a nice little red Chamonix by train or tram.
However, I continued my journey on foot. Path branched and I turned a little wrong with a longer path and I came back near the glacier. However, this was quite interesting. First of all, I came across a large stone covering the middle of the noise, where the path disappeared.
ekslesin here a long time before it found a hole up again. Then went way over the rocks smooth polished
rest of the way along the wide trail back to Chamonix was annoying and the victory was also hot. Clock 6-ks had returned to their bikes.
brought on foot from here quickly, because the people and the cars was too much for me. I went through the shops, stores, luggage rack full of food and Les Praz was exactly the appropriate place to stay in the camp. Camping Mer de Glace'i costing € 14.60, away from the highway, a nice forest. Cars were no longer here, but the men still had the leg room. A hostess showed the front of and behind it all. These could all be camping. Were small houses for their own Internet connection, and otherwise, and coffee for the rest of the room. On the wall was a shelf with other sockets, and telephones värgenduste download. Normally, was camping on your phone or PC elsewhere in the laundry room to plug stuff up and then consider whether, after their belongings and left. So far, fortunately, was not. I thought the plan to do next. Since I had seen so Bossonsi Glacier and Mont Blanc whole day, it was decided that helps climbers and move tomorrow, though over the border to Switzerland.
Because tomorrow I leave in France, a small summary of the French. They are nice folks, smiling and saying: bonžuur musjöö. Love to walk, baguettes armpit. Morning Fresh toasted and fragrant, they have to obtain a mandatory procedure. Pežoode flying around, and sitroenide renoodega and sail, or whether the needle through the eye of God not to let up after a street in the old town to take anywhere imekitsal. The dogs are tiny and they are often taken for a walk. As a result, of course, but the stench of the city streets full of piles. Children are often stubborn, and they must give their ass. In his spare time playing but pentque'i. And they love to eat the butt - anywhere and any position. Days off are placed a car full of food stuff and run wild and free stuff.
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