23rd Itinerary Day
kl. 8:12 to 20:10; 11 h 58 min
Min. 365 m - max.
997 m below 2072 m to 1725 m
cycling 112 km and a total of 1 686 km
Clean driving 6 h 58 min
Avg. 16.0 km / h
View 23rd Murol - Ambert Larger Map
in a village was a nice morning Muroli
with the towering presence of this resistance.
path leading through the village led to the resistance dendropargi, which was found in a variety of trees such as sequoia and cedar of Lebanon, and others.
some trees at the signs were in French and Latin names. Since it was still early morning, when the security gate was locked, but had to see the flags and guns.
Mäelt seemed to Puy de Sancy. Certainty around the animal park was still about as we Elistvere. I saw a goat in the garden with grass näksimas.
was driving east towards the next larger place in Saint Nectaire.
This is a nice holiday resort, hotel, and several beautiful tourist information centers.
Saillant'i põikasin briefly from the village to see and koske dolmenit. Dolmen was to be a modern art retsitud värgendusega.
stone table in the ground was forged for a number of these posts and re-wound yarn. Incomprehensible thing about me though. Saillant happened sunflower field near the edge. Well, a beautiful sight!
As if you run out to review the thousands of faces. Make it ran along the valley, which slopes kaljustel kaljuronijad turn. All sorts of castles and fortresses were here a lot. The great thing about the city was Champeix.
Old Town was restored a number of buildings, but they did not see any way to ugly, the city is in your face.
Coudes town with l'Allier'jõega was also nice.
It started to go half way up, first in the city Vic le Comte, where the city center on Sunday for the flea market was hers.
All Sex wampum was sold here over kilometers of the main street.
here it is headed for Livradois-FOREZ national parks.
the beginning was the forested landscape. Saint Julien de Coppel did at the lunch break. Then change to the open, with numerous mountain and valleys. Nearly every hill was a castle or fortress.
maapõhja swore itself once again - who the hell told to choose a route! The map was all nice: in a straight-Saint-Dier d'Auvergn'i, but small village road up the hill and went down the hill - a mountain and valley, mountain and valley. Views were indeed acute,
but began to tire. In a place far away to see the great city of Clermont Ferrand, and each higher spot seemed to Puy de Sancy.
extremely deadly!
Saint Amant Roche Savine'is all the shops were also closed. The town was deserted and also did not accommodate this. I thought that Ambert is a bigger town, I can buy food there. To drive another 12 km and had to climb over the Col des Fourches'kurust. My bad mood mitigated Saint Amant Roche Savine'i Kopli near the horses graze.
A young colt was very curious and keen photographer poseeris. Ambert
arrived late and all the spots were also observed here. I was looking up camp sites. The reception was closed, but I put the tent up and found a campsite on the side of the eatery. Here I got € 15 for beer and fried, but the hunger was great. Even in examined putkas Judge, I wish the pieces of meat raw, raw or semi-mature. First, I could not understand what he explains. Then the Judge looked Miss English-speaking clients, who explained to me the thing off.
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