24th Day
Journey kl. 7:25 to 21:24; 13 h 59 min
Min. 415 m - max. Less than 1 206 m
1185 m, 1555 m to
cycling 111 km and a total of 1 797 km
Clean driving 6 h 24 min
Avg. 17.2 km / h
View 24th Ambert - Saint-Etienne in a Larger Map
morning was the first task of obtaining food. Since we started early, did not find anything on saiapoe. Could not resist the smells coming hoovavatele've caught and some croissants. I walked a little old town.
mighty church was here.
then headed out of town. By the roadside was a peculiar circular hall.
did stop after the 2-3 km, I covered his pugisin coffee and pastries. Make it your way up to the Col des Pradeaux kurule (1196 m).
slow and it was a grueling race. Kurult was an enjoyable ride along the wooded slopes of the valley of spruce Saint Anthème'i.
Here finally found a store Petit Casino
(nice chain of shops with almost every village shop) where I could get yourself several days of food. After the city had again become
Col des kurule Limited (1157 m) and the Puy-de-Dôme department of the Loire borders.
the other side of the gorge soon became natural. Spruce Forests were replaced by pines.
Here I drove down and enjoy myself, I did a few kilometers after the lunch break. Ate a belly full of a lot. The weather was absolutely beautiful, the sky was so blue and pilveraasugi that the eye was painful.
The cooled organic tuuleke passage. Then change a thing crazy.
Saint Just Saint Rambertis was already over 30 degrees and the city got me confused signposts. I did not need more suunamutust and extension of much of its journey. Saint Etienne went on a journey in a constant autodevoolus. Silmasin bike shop in a suburb. I bought a chain of vertebrae, and drinking a bottle of the new pedals, because the old crackly very cranky and suspicious. I thought the new tire onto the external, but I considered it superfluous to go. Finally, I got Saint Etienne. Before reaching the center of the rear tires went blank. Lappisin the gate of a house in front of his bike in the meantime being forced to move to another place where an aunt wanted to drive a car yard. Discovered a hole in the side of the inner hub. How there was a hole in it!? J. Jaures Väntasin the downtown 'Square. I did a little tour of
town and decided to let the feet. After some time the rubber was again empty. I took the wheel away from the park and the site was previously repaired bump occurred. I took a spare tire, which I found yet another hole. Lappisin it off and put it down. Sailed for some time, began to discharge slowly over the back wheels. Apparently, there is still somewhere in a small auguke. Pumpasin to the air, and drove on. Suddenly I discovered that I am going in the wrong direction - we should move to the south, but I went instead to the north. And the road had turned back to familiar. This is where I had traveled to the city. Time has already started to be late. I saw a bike shop, but it was already closed. Uncommon the type of tire pump finally gave up and got out of the city in the right direction. Now it was time enough, so I could only dream about camping. In addition, the water began to run low. I was shit because the rubber and the heat quite upset and wanted to stay as soon as overnight. But the road was such that one side of the precipice, and a rock wall across the road and so many miles up hill. Fortunately, I found the road Rochetaillèes water intake.
least thirst will not die! Finally I found a small patch along the way to the center of the flat land in the shadow of shrubs, where you got to put up the tent. If a roof over their heads and bellies full, the mood was immediately better. Before nutumaitse mouth, though: the city does not näinudki, you damn tire patching!
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