Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How To Take The Limiter Off A Moped?

: a set of interfaces between land Sea and

Bernard Kalaora
Shores in the making. Horizons for the Coastal
Paris, French Documentation, 2010. 280 pages, 16 x 24 cm, softcover. - 9782110079398

Conservatory of the coastal area, established in 1975 is the fourth institutional territorialised in natural areas, after national parks, nature parks and nature reserves. It is characterized by the establishment of a unique land structure (inspired in part by the National Trust English) and the draft of a policy of purchasing land whose management was entrusted to local collectivtés. Originally created to protect natural areas and seashores shores lake, the Conservatory was assigned maritime public in 2002. The balance between heritage aspect and environmental aspect it has been greatly modified.
The coast is now a set of interfaces between land and sea summoning different fields of studies. They are at once the evolution and diversity that are presented here. Both scientific and literary essay, reading affordable, offering a journey through the pages unexpected, the book also confirms the importance of the coastline as an issue of preserving biodiversity.

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