Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Short Walkthrough Wall Cheat/soulsilver

The first European power

Diplomacy No. 49
Germany. Geopolitical and geo-strategy of the first European power

Paris, Areion Group, 2011. 100 pages, 23 x 30 cm, softcover. - 378056500895200490

Focus & international news
Timeline International - December 2010-January 2011
Focus - World News
Insight - Negotiating Strategy, kidnapping and hostage-taking, by Lilian Laugerat, an expert in crisis negotiation.
Portfolio - The ruins of Detroit
Thailand vs Cambodia: nationalism to the sources of conflict, an interview with Jacques Ivanoff, CNRS researcher at the Institute for Research on Southeast Asia Contemporary (IRASEC) office in Bangkok. Prospective

Shale gas: a gold mine, but at what price! By Albert Legault, an associate professor at the University of Quebec at Montreal (UQAM) Department of Political Science.
File ... The German power
Insight foreign policy of Germany, meeting with HE Mr. Reinhard Schäfers, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Paris. Looking
the Germans, interview with Jean-Louis de la Vaissiere, journalist for Agence France Presse.
German defense policy at the crossroads, by Christos Katsioulis, coordinator of research on foreign policy and European security and security policy specialist at the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and Marius Müller-Hennig program coordinator on the overall policy of peace and security in the FES as well.
Geopolitical Atlas of Germany, by Thomas Delage.
Strategies ... North Korea: an impossible peace?
Mapping - The Korean Peninsula in the heart of tensions.
Scoreboard - The inter-Korean relations.
The country of permanent intimidation, by Thérèse Delpech, director of strategic affairs at the Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) and research associate at the Center for Studies and Research (CERI).
What policy vis-à-vis North Korea? Interview with Roland Bleiker, professor of international relations at the University of Queensland and former member of the Swiss Mission to the Supervisory Board of neutral countries in the demilitarized zone separating the two Koreas.
Geopolitics ... Arab world: who are the winners?
Tunisia: the domino effect? By Bichara Khader, professor and director of CERMAC (Catholic University of Louvain). 15 keys
reading Arab insurgency by Bichara Khader.
Algeria, the real state of emergency, interview with Said Sadi, president of the Rally for Culture and democracy, a member of the Algerian Assembly.
Egypt, between revolution and military coup, an interview with Sophie Pommier, a consultant on the Middle East and lecturer at Sciences-Po Paris.
Economy ... The adaptation of corporate networks
business networks in Europe, by François-Xavier Dudouet, CNRS researcher and lecturer at the University of Paris-Dauphine, Eric Grémont, president and OPESC Antoine Vion, a lecturer at the University of the Mediterranean. All three are members of the political-economic Observatory structures of capitalism (OPESC).
The irresistible rise of South-South networks, following the example of wood ..., by Jean-Marc Roda, a researcher at the Centre for International Cooperation in Agronomic Research for Development (CIRAD), UR Tropical Woods, stationed at the Forest Research Institute Malaysia.
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