TOUR DE FRANCE: Angers - La Rochelle - Saintes
third day and again in several cities, security of the church. We thought that, Nantes and Bordeaux in the future should also be sure to return, so it did not start that way at all now pressimagi. The goal was the smallest of places to see rather than inland, where you just still hard to not fall into.
After coffee and a croissant
's tiny village of St.-Nazaire in the south east direction, and we went to Angers. This city was to be built by the 13th century, Louis IX of confidence, which has been put out to admire the world's end-wall carpeting on the subject. My first idea was that, well, that there's still so mad, but it has 70 multi-meter carpet, which was originally only a hundred have previously been on the walls.
certainty, taking half saw the closest to the sculpture museum - the ruins of the old church was built just after the glass roof. Basically a nice big greenhouse. But it was thanks to the lighting just super. Was not going to go inside because it was one of the early French Revolution sculptors, and really did not look at that moment the mood of propaganda.
certainty around the neatly manicure aiakesed, which then becomes a true view of the Tower until the security chordless. Overall, the pleasant sights of the French contingent - the most interesting places are not allocated to the string of people, slightly dangerous pieces of the wall and let the towers are completely accessible and, contrary to what the Americans are not afraid that someone stumbles, falls, and the authority of the court against it. So let the joy out of this 12-year-nolgi me, who never fails to leave any of turnimata.
Okay then we go to gaze at the apocalypse ...
This Way, Please ...
Now. My camera flash does not work for a long time. In all the caves I have had the stones to support your elbow to shake at all to get pictures. They had some carpet at exactly every three meters behind the plate that is not no flash shooting. Overall, the lighting was so tenuous that even the eyes on the ground had to do. Before leaving the dark room, I decided to make a few clicks. A display for a camera flash at the top agility, but there it flashes constantly, still does not come with spunk. And where are you with it. This time, only this time, and had Flash! I like these rugs honor. Amusing and amazing that for almost 800 years old and so on. And then I'm going to flash your violation of these important relics. The room was also one of a group guided tour, but fortunately were all so blinded by lightning, and dark clothes on me that I got out the door quickly lipata. But carpets are cool. And I really did not want to flash ... Here you can read more about it on the carpet:
Fortress itself was also kift. Last year they burned the church, although far less practical, but it seems that the rehabilitation works are ongoing and the commotion in the men pretty well. Kindlusemüüridelt also had a nice view over the city and the Loire river.
Because of my guilt, the museum shop was quite frenetic, it must be for me to alleviate the guilt that is easy to put the museum in exchange of goods with money left. I chose a cool glass of wine, one of the crowned heads of France's small booklet from 1300ndast years, several books and Sir Richard õepojale. We need to put in a 5-year history of interest in, right.
Then it went like that because I am still pure-blooded woman in France, when I was a strong demand from the middle of my big ostlemislinnakut off. It is not possible, after all, to wander
Vogue 's home and do something other than books and külmkapimagnetite not buy ... Teekaaslase gave a free and he went to drink coffee and take a photo of La Rochelle.
After watching these photos and also regretted naaaaatukene. As I had hoped to find near the ocean side of the port city of St-Nazaire, but not succeeded, it turned out that instead of La Rochelle, it was what I missed. Instead, the French fashion of an adventurer. Overnight we Saintes'i half-way, since there had suffered all kinds of cool ruins to be even more ... And by far the best dinner I ate there during the whole of France tripi! If you wore it, then I strongly recommend! Clos des Cours, next to the theater. And there was the top French chef. Type was actually in New Zealand. When the lips of many jokes about the rose ... April 13 after all. Well, I am your first person now living in New Zealand have seen. And cooks are shockingly!
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