Hammamet'is As (korrrrrduvalt) is mentioned, it had no plan to continually resort to sit down. Paul read somewhere that Hammamet'is is one of the villa, which stopped Rommel in Africa during WW during the campaign. The villa is built in Romania in the 1920s by millionaire George Sebastian'i and Frank Lloyd Wright (one of my favorite designers) called it the most beautiful building in which he has ever seen. In addition, wrote Winston Churchill in this part of his memoirs. In short, impossible to miss, despite ...
garden is large, but not much eye candy offering - a lot of cacti, which obscure the view of Mediterranean million. Imagine that the house owner at the time was a thing much more sophistication. George Sebastian was a big supporter of the fine arts, and many of his modern villa hängis artistic people.
Thus sisenemegi villa ...
Quite Gulf is moving around these spaces represent the German soldiers and officers, Rommel kratsimas need to continue to be, sitting in the Churchill cigar and konjakivines dikteerimas next chapter, and the destruction of Rommel (somehow, I think that is dictated by the secretary and write your own).
And then we come to the pool, which I dare to believe that Wright is just as indelible impression on jättiski. Certainly, cocktail parties were near here, during which they sat, their most famous co-designed by furniture designer chairs, drank gin and tonics and pläkutati philosophical topics.
villa interior has been stockpiling tibens nukram, since most of the furniture that was not screwed on just stick to the floor, it is clearly carried by anyone around.
Villa on the second floor are generally not allowed, but the barman gave a couple of dinar, the way to the spot, and offers fresh squeezed orange juice, and a key way to see saimegi rooms where Rommel actually stop. The house is not kept with marble baths, and so are the different shades of marble basins.
bedroom on the second floor between the grille opening view of the pool.
also got some much needed rest your feet, doing a bit of rüübatud muse and a war of artistic ideas. ;)
But is it worth visiting
? Oojaa, citing the infamous MasterCard commercials: the resort of Villa to taxi 4 dinar (about 2 euros), entrance to the villa as much as bribery barmanile the second floor of climbing for the dinar per nase,
chill morning tea and a nice architecture -
priceless !
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