Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Brother Is Having A Baby, Jealousy

my blog ...

Well, Paul moved to order a permanent Internet connection and TV for August 29. We October 6 is currently here (as elsewhere in the world, right) and a broadband Internet connection is still no. Not even watching TV, or muffigi. Why, asks the normal Estonians. That's why, at a residence in Belgium is one of the secret: You do not ever do anything needed to be. As soon as you have something needed, you are already a failure. Because Belgium has a "tempo". It's not mañana -paced, this is samedi -paced. Samedi say otherwise in French on Saturday, but here they tend to use more English as a similar expression: someday.

namely: the Internet. Jeah, first of all had to walk several times a local Internet provider in the office, where we assigned a technician visit (a month later date, because the first visit was a complete surprise - they will be gone at the door, but nobody was home. hmmm, why? Because the visit was not announced in advance ...) If you got a face made sad, why until so late, it was said, well, the program offers just such an early date, and if we want, then we should call their customer service. Aaaahhh, the customer service. :) This is a toll free number with a two-hour standby, the phone is not being some kind of problem. And now that music is the soundtrack of my nightmares . A happy coincidence is when you get a servicer line before the half hour passed. After repeated attempts to end Paul was one of the servicer and our service technician to visit shifted weeks earlier - 5ndale October at between 8 and 12. Yesterday when I sat diligently to beware cup of coffee at 8 o'clock already, because Paul still had to go to school. When he went to lunch at 12:30 at home, then I still had not seen the technicians. Paul tried again to call the customer service they received, and after 20 minutes of elevator music and raucously received. From üteldi to call the following numbers (they tend to delegate all have a favorite tactic), and another 20 waiting mintsa üteldi that a technician would have been enough to walk with us (no fucking kidding!?) But I guess this is lunch, etc.. Oh, and the south of Belgium is about how something is necessary for you, an hour until the next morning. This time, fortunately, was limited to a technician in just a few hours after lunch, and when Paul had gone back to school, was a tiny Bolivian kõõrdsilmne door. Now, perhaps under the impression, like I can still be a bit of French. I do not know. I get the parts to understand the issues and if it does not surprise me a question, then I will have to rule out the answer is already designed (for example, subscribing to something somewhere, etc.). But by throwing me in the middle of a conversation in French internet cable into the water, I upun like a millstone. Diagonal nod does not work as well, when in fact it is necessary to understand. So nice technician purssisime Flemish-English-speaking body. In fact, the technician was really nice. Namely, our cables in the basement did not have any tone at the beginning of the service, then he went and discussed with the apartment owners (who are behind our house comedy club) and the presence of the apartment began to fear the large cables to work. We came back to the apartment where the signal at zero again. He repeatedly ran into the cellar-to-cellar (it's not just a few stairs), and finally discovered that apparently is broken in our house the cable connecting the street. Ehtsam splurge on hand as most of South America, that he can not do anything. I showed the body language that you probably either going to dig, and he said, that, yes. Oh well. Why am I nevertheless think that it was a wonderful technician? Because he did not have time for us to dig a stunt, but decided to do it from pure love of the neighbor (and apparently, may have also had a strong need to rest your feet in running the stairs). Sat down and called headquarters. I took the phone out of hand, and the next moment I hear the familiar music. You make a joke, right??? Technicians can also call ooteliinile?! And sitting in the same sense of anticipation to the next customer is released? But just the way it is. I offered to give the technician a glass of juice and we sat talking about life as natsa. Well, that is how Bolivian Belgium gets, how the work is, perhaps that would be our other options Net benefits (they do not, because if the cable is broken, then the cable is broken, all the bidders) and so on. Väääääääga painful conversation. Aaa, and each time the topic came cable, and this particular problem, it went smoothly over imekiirele the French language, to which I could only make a very möhh ruefully. He sat on the phone at the end of nearly a half hours, during which the meantime, explained to me that things do not look good - for the next two months kaevamisaegu not. Finally, however, was kaevamisaja October 13 (do not know and do not care whose nett shifted forward in the unknown future). I'm sure if we would have had to procure it kaevamisaega, the Internet would be a good case for Christmas received. Well, not the fact that the 13 October (supposedly) no one should be here, after all, have not yet been confirmed. We'll see.

But how do you survive in Belgium? First of all: not kunagiiiiiii not something you need to be. Always there must be some kind of backup plan. It is better if more. You must be hungry, thirsty, want to smoke, or the internet, and certainly not things you'll never be fast. Because if you are quick, you already have all the pekkis. If, however, should happen, however, that less will need to emerge with something, then the answer is negative, and all transfers of only one answer: "Do you really could not do anything mitttttttte?" This usually wakes up after the Belgian niferdaja-Haul (Not to be confused with conscience), and they will find a solution. For example, last week I went to the doctor, was sent to me from the first two laksuga other outpatient or offered to some unknown time in the future. If I do a "magic word" was used to, I had the same evening in the same clinic arstiaeg there. Unfortunately, this approach does not seem to be working Belgacom'iga. I've tried the melancholy face of a puppy party in Bolivia shorter end of the old man and still can not watch anything other than 13ndaks kaevamistähtaeg October, though very hoping that maybe it grabs the spoon and it begins to break cover in the street ... Eeeeh, there is obviously no longer so young and blond. :) But njuh, We look forward to, let's see how things evolve. In the meantime I will try to not require large up-and-download, DVDs are still seeing some follow-up (in Namur, fortunately, was purchased by Brigitte Bardot ', a collection of films) and even ... Samedi ...

Aaa, the top and the irony is that the package name (and probably also the principle) is Do It Yourself. Merci. Merde.


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