Loodusloomuuseum I have heard quite a lot of the Brussels Museum of Natural on good collection of dinosaurs. I thought all along that somewhere, after all, is bought, borrowed, stolen, but must instead be that of Belgium itself is a very important collection of dinosaur bones have been located. I love the great dinosaurs, so it became one of the steps there to set in on Sunday.
Hello, Dino! Bernissart'i coal mining in 1878 was the largest collection of modern Belgium Iguanadon saurus bones. 38 individuals, most of them adults. Iguanadonid were large (3.5 tonnes up to 10 meters long) grazing Saurus. The museum has put them off at 9 (which makes for a very impressive exhibition), the remaining located somewhere in the back rooms.
Expositions at this museum is well worth viewing - around Iguanadonide who stand in a large glass box, you can move on three different levels, the lighting varies, and thus creates different shadows, making the total exposure is much better.
the walls are placed on the increases made during the exhumation of the drawings, which already boasts of itself is worth.
Iguanadonide is partly under the glass floor, which looks like a replication of how they were lying and coal mining. Full basement is dedicated to the discovery of Iguanadonide, väljakaevamisele and preserved.
Louis Dollo Louis and De Pauw, who dug out Iguanadonid, thought initially that it was moved two feet saurustega. Later it was determined though, so that it was not pretty, and mostly moved Iguanadonid however, the four legs (though the rear legs are noticeably minor). Fossils, however, were so fragile that they had to remain in the position to which they are beginning researchers designed.
museum also has other Saurus: Anchiceratops.
As already mentioned, the Brussels Museum of Natural stands at least in my opinion, an exceptionally talented - the cut-out from the wall (like the dinosaurs were exhibited in a number of Skulls) is something that I also like to build your home. Parasaurolophuse skull. As a bone through a pipe, they emit sounds pretty loud. As soon as you remember one scene in Jurassic Park. :)
None dinosaur museum would be complete without a Tyrannosaurus Rex'ita. As already mentioned: the lighting is impressive, and I had to practically lie on the floor to throw to get the picture cool shadows of the ceiling came.
Changing the colors of the lighting, angles, creating a new frightening images.
Jurassic Park, were a particularly cruel and cunning mind Velociraptor'id. Brussels stands beside one of the Tyrannosaurus Rex'i pisem variety (right next to the Raptors for Rex'i feet), which is about a sheep-dog niferdis. This, however, he certainly does not change the way major raptoritest more cute. It is worthwhile to note that the raised rear leg varbaküünt ...
Raptor foot reproduction of the scary talented.
Eat Your Heart Out, Wolverine. : P
It is by no means only in the museum saurus. Like every decent Zoology, here too there is a decent amount of stuffed animals. Different ninasarvikulised ...
felids, canidae, non-human primates ... etc.. Seriously, and a decent collection of pictures is a fotokatäis, all of them here, however, is not going to hang up. :) Somehow I always have some dubious hüäänide attracted enough attention. I think it is an outrageously one animal, which looks like a catty and bitchy and it is hard to believe that this dog is one of the founding fathers. And I know that this is a useful animal, who cleans the grazing herds of old and feeble, and destroy the carcasses, but still have nightmares of this animal in any way the material ...
Seriously talented up exposing butterflies - both here and when you see them by then.
Vaalaskala stomach. :) As for the label was not (how many times they walked about twenty yards back and forth), you do not know what it vaalaga. They hung there many skeletons of whales and cetaceans is the next biggest exposure is where the museum.
Seriously a decent collection of hunting trophies. :) For a single large room was like a jahindusseltsi hall meetings.
most sex kama look antelope, whom I've ever seen. : P But
... Then our leisurely walk around the museum (like a casino - in particular the windows in most rooms do not have, nor bells) when suddenly one of the museum staff comes to us and says that the museum will be closed after 10 minutes. Möhh?! We came around 1 pm, the museum would be open to 6ni ... And imperceptibly olimegi spent over 5 hours and there were still seeing the majority of sea creatures, putukalised, reptiles, etc. sides. Museum staff towards us but instead they live at the coral-Check out the animals that we are pretty close to everything without will not remain. Seadsimegi then quick steps that way. Snakes, spiders, frogs, terrariums, and spin it all nicely done after the exposure, it was my last experience for the museum:
Jap, cockroaches ... They are not words likely to needed.
But the museum itself. Recommended ülisoojalt!! If you do not have much of a fan of dinosaurs (I guess someone does not know to whom they would not offer even a modicum of interest), then there are other animals, is close to expositions of evolution and species evolution, the museum's own history and the Belgians' maailmavallutustest, insects, reptiles, and so on. Tickets cost EUR 7 for adults and got a nice dinosaur painting paper. Not to mention that more than 5 hours on Sunday passed unnoticed. Seriously also obtained a positive experience, and smarter! :)